Farmington Genealogical Society
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Tuesday, February 18 through Tuesday, February 18
Identifying Old Family Pictures and the People in Them  (Monthly Meetings)
6:30 pm to 9:00 pm
Farmington Community Library 23500 Liberty Street
Going through photographic history, Professional Genealogist Derek J. Blount will examine various types of photographs and their mountings to determine when and how they were produced. We will also discuss means to determine when photos were taken by looking at clothing and backgrounds, so feel free to bring in your old family photographs. 

Tuesday, March 18 through Tuesday, March 18
Traffic Violations, Criminal Complaints and Marriages: Records of a Justice of the Peace  (Monthly Meetings)
6:30 pm to 9:00 pm
Farmington Community Library 23500 Liberty Street
Adam Oster, Community Engagement Librarian for the Library of Michigan gives us insights on this topic. Justices of the Peace served as local magistrates empowered primarily to administer summary justice in minor cases, to commit for trial, and to administer oaths and perform marriages. Discover the role in which the justices played in local courts and how to locate them in Michigan municipalities. See examples of records of former Paris Township Justices of the Peace Earl H. Keyes and Ray A. Blett. Learn how to apply these examples when locating other justice of the peace records throughout the state.

Tuesday, April 8 through Tuesday, April 8
Come Find Your Ancestors on and other databases at the Library  (Computer Lab Session)
6:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Farmington Hills Library, 32737 W. Twelve Mile, Road, Farmington Hills
Come join us for help with your research.  Members of the Farmington Genealogical Society will help attendees look through the thousands of databases of Library Edition plus (Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints) database. Plus, where you might want an assist in research.  Registration is required.   Come back closer to the date and a link to register will appear here.

Tuesday, April 15 through Tuesday, April 15
After You're Gone: Future Proofing Your Genealogy Research (Tom MacEntee)  (Monthly Meetings)
6:30 pm to 9:00 pm
Farmington Community Library 23500 Liberty Street
Have you ever considered what will happen to your years of genealogy research once you’re gone? Learn how to ensure that your hard work carries on. Sue Cromwell, Farmington Genealogical Society Co-President presents the best practices for genealogy future proofing, courtesy of Tom MacEntee, a Web-based genealogy lecturer.